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    green iguana 結果共3筆

  • Taiwan captures 400 iguanas overnight, sparks online buzz

    A story about the capture of a record number of 400 green iguanas in southern Taiwan has sparked online discussion. One photo, in particular, shows a green iguana kneeling before a Mazu temple in Neipu, Pintung, leading to humorous comments suggesting the iguana was "applying to be a divine steed." Experts clarified that while green iguanas pose no threat to humans, they do cause problems for farmers by nibbling on crops. To protect local agriculture, the government has intensified measures to remove these non-native creatures and maintain ecological balance.
    2023/12/11 21:20
  • Alarming increase in green iguana population threatens crops

    The increasing population of green iguanas in southern Taiwan is causing significant damage to crops and fruits, raising concerns among farmers. These iguanas lack natural predators and have a remarkable reproductive capability.
    2023/07/11 19:23
  • 馬桶驚見「哥吉拉」潑水嘶嘶叫! 男上廁所嚇壞:牠很不爽

    美國佛羅里達州(Florida)一名男子日前欲使用家中的浴室時,想不到廁所已經有動物使用了,一隻巨大的綠鬃蜥(green iguana,又名美洲鬃蜥American iguana)趴在馬通水中憤怒的對他嘶嘶叫,還朝他潑水,讓他嚇得直呼,「我發現哥吉拉(Godzilla)在我的馬桶裡,牠似乎一點也不高興。」
    2023/05/22 15:32
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